UTOPIA Project
Who we are?
The UTOPIA older people’s project has been operating in Tullymore Community Centre since 2012 and now has almost 200 older people registered on the programme. Participants come from a range of backgrounds and have had very different life experiences.
Utopia provides the opportunity for older people over 60 years of age to take part in a wide range of activities, classes, information sessions and social events, all with people of a similar age.
Being part of Utopia project provides an opportunity for the older person to not only get to grips with Information technology, but to take part in creative activities, to be more active; learn a new skill or discover a new hobby.
We create opportunities for people to become involved in community, to socialise, to improve social networks while improving overall physical and mental health.
Our main focus is to reduce social isolation, improve physical and mental health and wellbeing while building overall resilience. We do this by offering a weekly programme of activities, one off events and seasonal and thematic activities.
Our Programme of Activities
We offer a range of classes, programmes and social activities and outtings throughout the year including:
- New timetable each term
- Coffee mornings
- Annual West Belfast 3 week Summer School
- Bus outings and trips
- One off plays and information events
- Christmas Programme of events such as table arrangements/wreath making as well as Christmas buffet with music and ballots etc
Our participants can register for one or more activities depending on availability. Here is a sample of our weekly timetable (please note some activities may change depending on available funding)
Monday (This timetable is a sample)
Art: Acrylics Improvers
10.30 am - 12.30pm
Computers for Improvers
10.30am - 12.30 pm
Crafts Crafternoon & Tea
1.00 pm - 3.00 pm: Bring whatever craft you are working on and craft with others, sharing your skills and learn new ones - all over a lovely afternoon tea.
Get to know your IPAD/tablet. Complete beginners
10.30 am - 12.30pm
Chair-based Exercise
1.15 pm - 2.15 pm
Boccia, Curling, Bowls
Followed by Social Chat Tea
Get to know your IPad/Tablet
10.30 am - 12.30pm
Tai Chi for Health
12.00pm - 1.00pm
Crafty Mouse
Computer Drop-In 1.00p.m. – 3.00 p.m.
Art: Acrylics Improvers
10.30 am - 12.30pm
Weekly Walking Group Meet 10 a.m. Tullymore Community Centre Gerry Caldwell
Reading Room
12.30pm social, tea then reading from 1.00 - Listen to short stories and poems and if you like, join in the discussion.
Gardening Project
11 – 1.00 p.m.
Where do our people come from
An older person can contact us directly and make a self-referral but we also take referrals from:-
- Family members and friends
- Health professions
- Social workers
- Mental health team
- Community organisations
Utopia project also work with:
- Isolated older people living alone in their own homes in the community
- Older people living in sheltered residential accommodation
- Older people caring for a spouse or partner in their own home in the community
- Older people presenting with complex needs and various health & wellbeing needs, including depression, treatment resistant depression, anxiety disorder, bereavement,
- Retired grandparents who are the sole carer(s) of their grandchildren and who require some regular quality relaxation, creative time for themselves and gain support from the project and peers.
Our participants
All participants are encouraged to get involved in and to assist with the day to day running of the project; we do this by creating opportunities for them to:
- Volunteer
- Provide Peer to peer support/ mentoring/ we have a buddy up scheme to help new participants to settle in and make friends.
- Assist with running of activities
- Encourage people to assist with hospitality/making tea etc
- Consult with people to get their ideas about the project
- Encourage people to Join the steering group and help organise day to day running of the project
If you would like more information about the Utopia project or would like to make a referral please contact:
Deirdre McVeigh
Project Manager
Telephone: 02890622201
Email: d.mcveigh@uacf.ie