37a Tullymore Gardens, Belfast , Co Antrim, BT11 8NE
028 9062 2201

Youth & Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP)

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Tullymore Youth Services

  •  Big Lottery Community Fund- Provide for 3 posts which are: Youth Services Manager, Lead Outreach Officer and Outreach Intervention Worker
  • A for Hours Youth support 
  • Children in Need for 2 Youth Support workers

Tullymore Youth ServicesThe Upper Andersonstown Community Forum Youth services were established in 1995 to deliver youth and community services to families from the Andersonstown area. UACF’S commitment is to improving the life chances for our young people by providing a strength-based service which is centred around them, highlighting the importance of positive engagements.Our Youth Network is fundamental in our service planning, delivery and monitoring to encourage our stakeholders to get involved in our services. We believe that volunteering plays a vital role within our services developing a new generation of community leaders and outside of school educators supporting young people to reach their fullest potential.

UACF acknowledges that volunteers remain a key asset for the successful delivery of youth work provision.  We have 25 years’ experience in delivering generic/ non-targeted youth provision. This has been achieved through delivering a youth club 3/4 night per week and it is strengthened by our management, youth network support and governance by effectively managing and supporting our services.

  •  Big Lottery Community Fund- Provide for 3 posts which are: Youth Services Manager, Lead Outreach Officer and Outreach Intervention Worker
  • A for Hours Youth support 
  • Children in Need for 2 Youth Support workers
  • A for Hours Youth support 
  • Children in Need for 2 Youth Support workers

Tullymore Youth Services provide a range of services supporting our young people in:

  • Youth Club Services 4 nights per week
  • Learner Support Sessions (After School) 
  • Outreach in Local Primary and post Primary Schools 
  • Bespoke Outreach Interventions
  • One to One Youth Mentoring
  • Summer Scheme, Residential’s and Mid Term Break services

Young people’s health and wellbeing is identified as one of the key aspects and it strongly affirms the educative and developmental value of youth work in the lives of young people by asserting that the role of the youth service is vital in contributing to youth work outcomes. This leads to the raising of standards for all as well as closing the performance gap between the highest and lowest achieving young people.

Delivering services to support our young people helps them to achieve their goals and overcome barriers, including: 

  • Inclusion and participation- Self-awareness and reflection through communication. Using their voices to make change, decision making, planning, problem-solving and respecting differences.
  • Learning and development- Creating opportunities for young people to increase confidence and self-esteem, empathy, resilience and satisfaction with life/self.  
  • Health and wellbeing- Managing feelings, improved Health and Well-being, awareness of health issues (sexual, physical and/or mental).  Ability to make healthy choices (reduction in risk taking behaviours/ reduced substance misuse) Development of thinking skills, life and work skills 
  • Volunteering and Leadership- support young people in developing effective leadership and training developing their skill base for life leading to the development of enhanced personal capabilities.
  • Community Development - working effectively within our community to develop structures which increase community participation and involvement.

We have a current membership of 200 young people registered.

Sarah Meehan

Youth Manager

Nicola Conlon

Youth Coordinator

Aaronn Maxwell

Youth Worker

Connor Loughlin

Youth Worker

Erin O'Hara

Youth Worker

Georgina O'Hara

Youth Worker

Gerry Meehan

Youth Worker

Outreach Services

Delivering a coordinated programme of outreach and detached engagement to recruit young people by increasing numbers and membership of those participating in our generic youth services. We will provide youth drop-in on Friday evenings to encourage young people who don’t currently engage to avail of our services at targeted times. 

Social action programmes which allow young people to build skills becoming active members and influential peer mentors within our services.

We have been tackling issues that create barriers to participation for young people at risk. Our Youth Programmes which we identified, designed and delivered have provided the young people of the Upper Andersonstown area with the following opportunities:

  • Empowerment of young people to enable them to take part in decision making
  • Increased participation and inclusion addressing their needs
  • Increased achievement through training and experience
  • Personal, social, educational and spiritual development
  • Increased opportunities in Outdoor education and activities
  • Empowerment of young people to enable them to take part in development of activities
  • Improved Health and wellbeing for young people
  • Increase in confidence and self-esteem programmes
  • Increased development in environmental programmes and activities
  • Participation in programmes and activities not usually available to them in the course of their daily lives.

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028 9062 2201
